Curriculum Overview: Years Seven to Nine at Baden Powell College
As students transition into the secondary years at Baden Powell College, their focus shifts towards exploring the diverse pathways available to them. This progression marks a pivotal moment in their growth and development. In the Secondary Years, we build upon the wide range of skills acquired during the primary years, enabling students to consolidate their learning while beginning to navigate their future pathways.
Our Secondary Years Program is dedicated to:
In designing the Years Seven to Nine curriculum, we are committed to current best practices, ensuring that our program is tailored to meet the abilities, interests, and aspirations of each student.
By Year Nine, students are empowered to take ownership of their education and have the opportunity to choose from a variety of elective subjects from the Arts and Technologies, encouraging a sense of agency and engagement in their learning.
Assessment in the Secondary Years
Our assessment framework is multifaceted, aimed at identifying students’ strengths and areas for improvement to inform future teaching and learning strategies.
Assessments include:
Curriculum Structure
The structure of our Years Seven to Nine curriculum provides access to a diverse range of subjects across key learning areas, including:
Senior School Transitions
We recognise that the transition from Year Nine to senior secondary education is a crucial step in our students' academic journeys. To support our Year Nine students as they prepare for their pathways, we collaborate closely with local senior secondary colleges. This partnership ensures that our students receive tailored guidance and information about the various options available to them as they move into Year Ten and beyond.
Throughout the year, we facilitate sessions with local senior schools that outline different pathways, including vocational education and training (VET) programs, VCE, and subject selections for Year Ten. In Personal Growth classes staff work with students to help them identify their interests and strengths, ensuring they make informed choices that align with their future goals. By fostering strong connections with senior secondary colleges, we empower our Year Nine students to navigate their next steps with confidence and clarity, setting them up for success in their senior schooling years.
At Baden Powell College, we are dedicated to guiding our students through their secondary years, preparing them not only for academic success but also for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.