Baden Powell College enrolments consist of students from many diverse backgrounds. Students from our Tarneit campus speak 57 different languages and students from our Derrimut Heath campus speak 31 different languages.


Students are considered to speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) if a language other than English is the main language spoken at home. Many of our students have one or more parents or caregivers who speak a language other than English at home. 72% of our Tarneit campus students and 55% of our Derrimut Heath campus students have a language background other than English.


The top languages other than English spoken at home are:

  • Punjabi
  • Samoan
  • Arabic
  • Urdu
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
  • Tamil



The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Team work across both campuses and consist of one teacher and three Multicultural Education Aides.  We support our students’ English learning through intensive English language sessions designed to enhance reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. We run culturally inclusive events and programs, celebrating the diversity of our school community.


Some of our programs include:

  • Library of Languages (bi-lingual books for all to borrow and enjoy) and Translation Workshops
  • Information Sessions for EAL families
  • Harmony Day celebrations
  • Refugee Week learning opportunities and celebrations


At Baden Powell College, families can speak to an interpreter in their language when calling the college. Each campus has its own telephone interpreter number which parents can call instead of our main office number. Parents are put through to an interpreter and a 3 way conversation can begin.

Tarneit: 03 70053034 Derrimut Heath: 03 7005 3035

Interpreters can also be made available for any online, telephone or onsite parent teacher meetings.


Acknowledgments & Partnerships


We work together with a number of community organisations in the cultural and linguistically diverse field, providing our students and teachers with resources within and beyond the school context.