The key functions of the School Council include:
- Establishing the broad direction and vision of the school within the community.
- Arranging for the supply of goods, services, facilities, materials, and equipment.
- Raising funds for school-related purposes.
- Regulating and facilitating the after-hours use of school premises and grounds.
- Overseeing the maintenance and condition of school buildings and grounds.
- Ensuring that all funds are used appropriately for school-related purposes.
- Considering the views of the school community when making decisions.
- Stimulating interest in the school within the wider community.
- Preparing and reviewing the School Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan, which are signed by the president and principal.
- Reporting annually to the school community and the Department on financial activities, the School Strategic Plan, and other matters as determined by the Minister.
- Managing the hire, license, and shared use of school facilities.
- Setting dates for student-free days and performing any other duties as conferred by the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 or directives from the Minister.
The Baden Powell College School Council meets monthly, with elections held at the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in becoming involved, please watch for election information in February or contact the College Principal for more details.