All staff at Baden Powell College are committed to supporting students with their personal wellbeing, whether it be emotional, social, or academic.  We believe in developing the whole child and that schools need to support students socially and emotionally as much as they do with academic pursuits.


We are committed to building a secure learning environment where all students feel culturally, emotionally, and physically safe and implement a number of whole school frameworks and programs to help ensure this.


The College has a Wellbeing Team that is available to support students who may require more targeted and individualised support. The Wellbeing Team endeavour to create home-school partnerships and value a collaborative approach to support social and emotional development. The Wellbeing Team roles include:

  • Supporting individual students in addressing and managing their social and emotional wellbeing,
  • Supporting small groups of students to develop their social skills,
  • Working with teaching staff to allow them to best support students with additional needs in their classrooms,
  • Conducting Student Support Group (SSG) meetings,
  • Liaising with external agencies and community services who support students and families attending Baden Powell College.


The Wellbeing Team is made up of Leading Teachers, a Student Counsellor, and a Mental Health Practitioner. The team co-ordinate initiatives such as:

  • The Disability Inclusion Program
  • The Education Support Staff who work in classrooms to support individual or small groups of students.
  • Student attendance
  • The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework.
  • The Respectful Relationships program.


Our Student Counsellor provides support to individual students with their mental health and wellbeing and can support families with links and referrals to agencies that can further assist students.  Individual work includes career planning, counselling, strategies to manage anxiety, social skills, conflict resolution, physical and mental health support, school attendance and links to community services.


The Student Counsellor also runs several social group programs including the Playing and Learning to Socialise Program (PALS) which focusses on friendship formation and safe schoolyard behaviour.  The Secret Agent Society which focusses on emotion comprehension and regulation skills, and the Superflex Program which is a Social Thinking Curriculum designed to support young people in their ability to become their own social superhero.

Our Mental Health Practitioner works with individual students and small groups to support with their ability to regulate emotions and develop strategies that support their health and wellbeing.


There are also numerous services in our community that are available to assist families, many free or low cost. The Student Wellbeing team at Baden Powell College is a good starting point and can help families access services including:

  • General Practitioners
  • Counselling Services
  • Psychologists
  • Paediatricians and
  • Optometrists


The Wellbeing Team can also support with services including:

  • Uniform support and
  • School supplies support
  • access to the Breakfast Club program.

In addition, Baden Powell College can support students and families in accessing additional support for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families, or families from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island Background. Please contact a member of leadership or the wellbeing, for additional information.