Respectful Relationships

The Respectful Relationships Program was developed as a recommendation from the Victorian Inquiry into Family Violence. The Respectful Relationships Program involves a whole school approach and requires the support and involvement of students, parents, families, and staff. The Respectful Relationships curriculum has strong links to many other areas of the curriculum including English, Ethical Capabilities and Health and Physical Education.

Across years P-9, students take part in teaching and learning that focusses on each of the following eight topics:
- Emotional Literacy
- Personal Strengths
- Positive Coping
- Problem Solving
- Stress Management
- Help Seeking
- Gender and Identity
- Positive Gender Relationships

Teachers are provided with the resources required to deliver the lessons and the College has worked to upskill staff of these through professional learning.

Students at Baden Powell College respond positively to the program and, it is the aim that each student leaves us with a solid understanding of what a respectful relationship looks and feels like. We also aim for students to understand their rights and responsibilities, have recognition and acceptance that everyone is unique and identify the personal strengths that they possess. In addition, it is expected, that as part of this program, students develop strategies that they can implement to help cope with difficult situations and to know what support is available should it be required.